Aslan, BBC, Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX10IQZadys
On October 16th, 1950, Geoffrey Bles published a children’s fantasy novel called The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, written by C.S. Lewis.
It seems a commonplace event to us now––one more fantasy novel on the market––but seventy years ago fairy tales and fantasies did not enjoy the popularity that they do now.
At that time, fairy tales were considered suitable only for very young children who were expected to grow out of the phase quickly. Adults believed that children should be given ‘realistic’ stories to read, while authorities cautioned that reading fairy tales could damage older children, leaving them unable to deal with reality.
C.S. Lewis disagreed. He believed that fairy tales not only conveyed powerful themes and truths that helped children understand reality, but they also gave children the courage to face reality.
As a veteran of WWI trench warfare, Lewis understood the harshness of life and the pains of reality, but he also knew the power of a good story to uplift, encourage, and inform.
70 years (and millions of readers later) C.S. Lewis continues to inspire us to find adventures and truth in our wardrobes—and never to scorn the power of a fairy tale.
In our latest e-zine issue, we have included several fantasy short stories, including To A Better Time by Al Thibeaux, which re–imagines a facet of the Arthurian legend in a new and timeless way.
Be sure to read our tales of fantasy when our e-zine releases this month. Until then, keep the spirit of adventure alive––and always remember to check the back of your closet.
“Well, Sir, if things are real, they’re there all the time.”
“Are they?” said the Professor.
From The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

The Pevensies, BBC: http://popclassicsjg.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-lion-witch-and-wardrobe-bbc-1988.html
Can’t wait to read Al’s story on the Arthurian Legend :D